January 09, 2025
Lunch today: Chicken Nugget, Wheat Bun, Pineapple, Peas, Milk
1. Thursday, Jan 9 - GBB-BBB HOME vs KWL Varsity Only Girls Varsity at 6:00 Boys Varsity to follow.
2. Saturday, Jan 11 - GBB-BBB HOME vs Kadoka Varsity Only Girls Varsity at 4:00 CST Boys Varsity to follow.
3. Tuesday, January 14 - GBB @ Marty 6:30 Team will leave at 4:15
4. Thursday, January 16-January 18 - BBB - NOT ATTENDING JONES COUNTY TOURNAMENT
5. Thursday, January 16 - GBB HOME vs Burke 6:30 VARSITY ONLY
6. Thursday, January 16 - JHBBB HOME vs Winner 3:00 Games tentatively as listed:
Game 1 - 5/6th, Game 2 - 5/6th, Game 3 - 6/7th
7. Friday, January 24 - GBB-BBB HOME vs Gayville Volin PARENTS NIGHT
MS/HS Announcements
1. Seniors are serving fry bread tacos from 5:30-7:30 for the double header on Thursday January 9th. Free will donation.
2. Juniors need to bring cookies or bars for the tailgate on Saturday January 11th.
3. Juniors are having a tailgate on Saturday January 11th. It will be burgers with chips and a dessert for $6 a plate.
4. NHS meeting on Monday January 13th at GT. Make sure you check in to GT first.
5. Change in Menu: 1/8: Stromboli, 1/9: Chicken Nuggets
Elementary Announcements
1. JHBBB practice today is in the MPR.
2. Change in Menu: 1/8: Stromboli, 1/9: Chicken Nuggets